It's interesting to pay attention to people's behavior sometimes.
Have you ever being nice to someone who is not nice to you and you continue being nice but somehow it will be like as if you would be making a statement?
In other words, the person acts rude (nothing personal) but you act nice back and because of that, somehow, it would look as if you are trying to make a point, but in fact, you are not and you are just acting normal, but because you are acting normal the other person may think you are trying to make a statement or trying to make them look bad because of their behavior?
Hahahahaha! It's just really funny to notice... Some people would not care at all or even notice that you just acted normal, but some people may adjust their behavior... And in fact, change....
As a matter of fact, I do find it funny to socialize with different people. I think I can learn so much from this and I love the experience. Well, rude or not, just be who you are, respecting people is obviously a must. We are allowed to be cranky, moody and show emotions, as long as we care for each other; we are in a society and people matter. No statement, just be!