Saturday, April 30, 2016

Bye now, take care!

Recently I moved to this place which, by the way, 5 years ago, I was very nearby looking for an apartment... Funny how life goes. I still remember the day I parked the car near the park and I was sitting on this bench and thinking how strangely home I felt. I don't know why, but it just felt like home that day, it was a day somewhere between June and October 2011... Anyways, now I am living near this place. Really nice!

So today I was just leaving the door when I heard my neighbor arriving at his apartment next to mine and I waited for him to come upstairs to introduce myself. This was the first time I saw him. So far I just heard footsteps and now I could see his face hahaha. So I introduced myself and ... (I don't remember his name now, jeezz... :P But well, I doubt he remembers mine either! ;-) hehehe ) but oke, we had a little chit chat. The chit chat people!!! Neighbors being neighbors! Yep! He is from Germany but lives here for more than 10 years.

The thing about the chit chat is that, well, sometimes we may get these awkward silences or pauses or we may not know how to end the conversations, specially when you don't know the other person very well, of course, it's much different when you know each other, but well... Anyways... I sometimes need to learn to be comfortable with silence or just say something normal like normal people say such as: "Nice meeting you, bye now!". "Hey, have a nice evening, take care now!" But no... no, I, of course, had to say: "Oh, ok! Well, if you need anything, just let me know". I will repeat that: "If you need anything, just let me know".... Do you copy that?! HAHAHA!  huh? yep... So I paused... I thought to myself: "What did I just say?" :D

Am I hearing myself now? "If you need anything, let me know". Do I really mean that? Do we hear ourselves sometimes? Now all of a sudden I am saying that if he needs something he can let me know. Hahahaha! Of course it may sound strange, but the bottom line was that I am there and in case he would need something, just being friendly, showing some neighborly support and all. Of course, we are living on this planet for a reason besides working, paying taxes, eating and doing our stuff. We are people and by that I mean human beings with feelings and hearts and we care.

But this statement is not totally true... Cause, it got me thinking, on the other hand, if he would need chocolate? If he would need MY CHOCOLATE? Aaaahhhhhh my friend.... I am terribly sorry! I am Sooooo sorry for ya! He would better keep his own at home cause or else, I can't help you, dear neighbor! Bye now! Bye... Take care now!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Are you really sure you really know?

Sometimes we have an idea about something and we think that this thought is so true that it's irrefutable. We think this thought it's the reality and that's why the other person or other people also think the same about it. In other words, we create a "truism". That thought is so true that you assume the other person thinks the exact same thing about it. The problem is, it can be tricky if we are stuck in this "reality" if that is not in fact reality, don't you agree? If we are wrong? Have you ever thought about it? That you can be wrong? :D

Sometimes we think we know what the other person is thinking and, wow, we can be reaaaaaally wrong about it ;-)
Hahahahahah! If I may give an example... Can I? It happened recently with me, well, not with me, but there is a dog in the story. Does this count? hahahahaha! 

Last time I was in a park near my place I saw a couple with a dog. Such a cutie cutie thing, ahhhh!! It was a nice afternoon at the park, the sun was half shinning, half hiding, but anyways, it was a beautiful day. So, I noticed this couple and this dog. The man was shouting at the dog "Harbie, it's here, Harbie! It's here". (I don't remember if the dog was called Harbie, ok?) so the man was calling the dog and pointing at the ball near him to show to the dog where the ball was, while the dog was walking in another direction.
The man kept on "Harbie, the ball is here, look, look, Harbie! Here!". The dog walked further and further away, and sometimes walked a bit back, sniffing here and sniffing there, with his ears up, coming a little back but still sniffing and looking away, minding his own business, sometimes looking back at his owner like "Why are you yelling?!" 

Oke oke... So, here is the big question: Do you guys really think that the dog didn't know where the ball was? :D Honestly... Just to tell you, the ball was very near him, but do you think he wasn't aware of that?? LOL. Smart dog... he took his own time doing his own thing, living life as if there was no tomorrow hahahahaha. But hey, the owner thought that the dog didn't know where the ball was. But the dog, just wanted to be his own boss at that moment. He wanted to do his own thing: "Come on guys.... Leave me alone for a second, will you? Keep thinking I am that stupid and that I don't know where the ball is... I just want to find out what's with this little bush right up here..."

Oke, so you are probably thinking now that I am overthinking and that actually that dog didn't indeed know where the ball was and was lost... That is a possibility. Would this be true? We would need to ask the dog, but hey.. Maybe he would not share his little secret, or else he will lose his precious time next time... So, leave it ;-)

But ok... Back to what I was saying, now after the dog illustration, (hahaha love pets!) What we're thinking can be so wrong sometimes while dealing with other people, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, we can be way way off! So, put yourself together and don't rely on your own understanding about things (Proverbs 3:5). The truth will eventually come to the surface so don't assume you know all about it and then make conclusions, you may be completely wrong about it. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

I am pro choice: ELEVATOR!

Recently I was in a friend's house and went out for a run. When I returned I called the elevator and got in and there was this man inside. He saw I was sweating and was just doing exercises and he quickly said to me: "Well, taking the stairs would be also another good exercise". Hahahaha.... I said to him: "Oh really? Well, I have no idea how I get to the stairs, I am visiting my friend and I never took the stairs, I even have no idea how. Always when I visit her I take the elevator, I have no idea how to get to the stairs". He then said: "Oh oh, well, you need a key for that, you can't get the stairs without a key. It's not possible." After this he was a bit ashamed of his own comment... hehehehe!!!

But okay, and if I did have a key?! Can I take the ELEVATOR people?!! Can I just take the elevator, please??? Can I just choose?


Freedom of choice: I AM PRO ELEVATORS !