So I was thinking how often we have double standards! Hahahaha! I remember talking to someone about food and kitchen hygiene some time ago... Honestly, since I live abroad, there are some things which before I could have considered a bit repulsive but now they seem quite normal to me or even I don't notice anymore...
Well anyways, there are some people who in fact don't like to do some things in their kitchen because they find it horrible or disgusting... or like there are so many bacteria around, etc.. etc, they could not handle it if they saw it happening... But hey, whenever you go to a restaurant to eat, do you truly believe the food is made the same way you do it home? Or by your standards...? Or even when you buy bread at the bakery, do you think they don't touch the bread or do you think that bread is just there magically and through that whole process nobody ever touched it?
Honestly, since I visited other cities and towns, got to know many people from different countries and cultures, just seeing the different way people cook, the way they handle the food, it makes me just realize that we are all here today because God is good and it's a miracle we are alive. HAHAHA.
You know what? Just eat it, just enjoy the food where you are... Have people washed their hands before preparation? It's a matter of faith here, a matter of trust! We don't know! We didn't see it, but we just don't think about it when we order a delicious salad... (Did they wash it?), or if we order something with a red sauce and minced meat (was that meat leftovers from another plate?) or even the fries we get (were they just in someone else's plate before mine...?)
We don't know! We believe it was properly served. But the thing is, we never really know. So, why do we keep judging someone else's cooking habits instead of just enjoying it as if we would do it in a restaurant... Right? Let's eat it and be thankful we have food in our plate! If it wasn't washed or clean, well, they will be digested soon enough, there is a powerful acid in your stomach which will do its job but before anything, just say grace! (LOL)