Interesting enough, I am not sure if you ever heard of it, but, there is a running code. Yes, a running code. The running code is a very used code among runners/joggers. Perhaps you may not be part of this specific group, hence, your confused face right now. But hey... It exists. It's there. It's quite common among us. The code is what makes us unique. The code brings us together. The code pushes us further. Yep.. The running code!
When you are running and you see someone also running in your direction you get prepared to use the code. In fact, there are different types of the code. Some just use the eyebrows (the simple code), others use the wave - hand up or waving (the friendly code), some prefer the smile (the sympathetic code) and a few would use the victory sign (the amicable encouraging code), this one is my favorite, personally.
Well.. Now you know about the code, the running code. I tell you, it's universal. No matter where your sneakers would bring you, the code will be applicable. Make sure you make use of it ;-)
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