Monday, April 21, 2014

Back to the future...

After almost 8 years living in the Netherlands I am back to Brasília!!
Wow... yes, wow!!! What a big change, what a big move!! Is this good? Is this bad? Why it's nice and why it's sad?

Many thoughts cross my mind right now and there are also many mixed feelings of being happy and sad at the same time. I didn't know it could be possible, but yes, it is. Happy for encountering again all the loved ones I was so far away from for such a long time... Sad because I left behind an incredible bunch of people whom I learned to love and respect...

In the middle of the rush of all the practical stuff that needs to be arranged when you move, telephones, contracts to be cancelled, my belongings and personal things to be given away or taken with me, still the most important thing was there right me with me: my inner peace. Still, some of the questions tried to challenge this very peace like:  And now? What if..?

They say "home is where your heart is".. Where is my heart now? This is a question I suppose will always be there around us no matter where we go.. I realized that sometimes there is no explanation for certain things. In fact, I can only feel much grateful and completly dependent on who is above me, God, who is above any human knowlegde and explanation. Apologies if you don't share the same vision, but He is the one single constant who kept me moving.

Living abroad has brought me valuable lessons.. How can you rely on yourself sometimes and how dependent you can be? We meet so many different people from all different cultures and everybody has something to offer.

This amazing experience I won't forget and I would do it again, all over again. It brought me here, it helped me until here, it made me see and realize many things about myself, it gave me an opportunity to spend time with myself and with many people whom I believe were selected to be around me for many purposes... Wow... I even now can't have so many words to say about this experience and still, until now, I am under the impression as where I am now, it doesn't feel the same, because no, it's not the same. It changed... I changed.. And It feels really good. But, it also feels bad... I miss being there, I miss the there part, and the people... I am sure I will miss it even more later, as this is only the beginning... but wow... I am still under the impression that this is just the beginning.
This is the beginning of the future, and then? What then? And now?... Once He told me, it's better the end of things than the beginning... WOW! I am very curious now... I missed my town and I will miss my second home... Can we have both? This is back.. to the future, I suppose

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